Recommnedations for moderately price balanced IC's, and adaptors to an RCA end

The title of  the thread may be a bit unclear. However, I need recommendations for a "moderately" price balanced interconnects.  Also, are there quality adaptors to convert a balanced end into an RCA input or output without major signal loss??

I want to use my Rogue Sphinx hybrid integrated as a pre-amp because it has a variable output (pre-out) for an second amplifier, and connect it to a Balanced Audio Technology VK-200 amp that will  only accept balanced. IC's  

The Rogue integrated has all RCA input and outputs .Therefore, I also need a recommendation for two XLR to RCA adapters.   Eventually, I will buy a separate pre-amp, possibly the new Rogue RP-1.  

Thank you  

Isn't the BAT VK-200 fully balanced? How does that work, using an unbalanced RCA to XLR cable into it? Not saying that it wouldn't work just wondering if there might be concerns? 
That’s an excellent question, Mesch. And in fact some balanced amps, such as most or all of the the Audio Research Reference series amps, won’t work properly when provided with unbalanced signals via adapters. In those cases apparently only half of the balanced signal path within the amp would see a signal, resulting in a drastic reduction in power capability among other consequences.

However the manual for the VK-200 indicates that it can accept unbalanced inputs via adapters. So presumably its input stage has both differential inputs and differential outputs, which when provided with a single-ended input would provide the rest of the amp’s internal signal path with a balanced pair of signals, although presumably 6 db lower in volume than if a balanced pair of inputs were provided.

Sunnyjim, I would have some concern about subjecting the Sphinx’s RCA output connectors to the weight of an RCA to XLR adapter plus the weight of the XLR connector on a cable and the weight of the cable itself. So I would either purchase an adapter cable as has been suggested, or use RCA cables in conjunction with adapters such as this one at the amp’s inputs.

You might also consider a Jensen Transformer, configured to provide RCA inputs and XLR outputs, although the cost would obviously be much higher than the cost of a pair of adapters. It would convert the unbalanced signal for each channel to a true balanced signal pair. In doing so it would eliminate the possibility of ground loop issues, and provide noise rejection comparable to the performance of a fully balanced interface.

Best regards,
-- Al

mensch, if there's no technical mismatch like input/output impedance, etc, between the BAT and Rogue, there should be no concern. I have a full Bat system, but sometimes I use the amps with my CJ preamp, which is, of course, single-ended. I'm using only the hybrid interconnects, no Jensens, and, especially, no adapters. I own two pairs of Cardas adapters, the older big ones, and the smallish, shiny newer ones. They suck. I  also never had the ground loop problem that the other poster mentioned. Of course, if the Rogue is an incompetently designed piece, then anything negative is possible. Personally, I would never mate the Bat piece with Rogue, as I don't think they're in the same league. But that's me.'re spinning your wheels to think you will get balanced performance using an RCA adapter. 
Hi,  is  $750.00 out of your price range?,  this is not an adapter, rather a state of the art accessory that you can have all XLR, RCA, and mismatch the termination's to accommodate your needs,  post or email me directly,  this is a new never done before product in the marketplace 😎