Just bought used Wilson audio Sophia 1 and Wilson audio center channel comments


I just bought a used pair of Wilson audio Sophias and a Wilson center speaker (They have not arrived yet).  Can anyone comment on these speakers. They are an upgrade for me replacing Focal 918 profile black diamonds and a focal older model Electra 900 center have focal surrounds and (2)  JL Audio 10  subs  Marantz 7100 pre amp processor and Parasound  5 channel power amp

Anyway would love to hear comments good or bad about these speakers or for that matter about my home theater.  Don't have deep pockets and this is a big jump for me,  Can't wait till they arrive.  The center looks like WALL E from Disney

Thanks for any reponse or comments

Norm L

Very nice. I put up a mod online to replace the Focal Profile 918 tweeters with a Scanspeak Be tweeter. If you are going to keep the 918s its transforming.


Hmm, you typically ask this type of question before your buy.  In any event, great speakers, you will be more than happy.

Norm L

you have an excellent speaker in the Focal 918 BD model.

The Wilson is certainly a step-up in all respects- feed it proper amplification and you will  be rewarded.  Happy Listening!

The Sophia 1 is quite special, I have had mine for 9 years and are using them in a two channel system which I have just recently posted on the virtual systems on agon if you would like to see some of the associated equipment I am using them with please take a look. Some notes here, I also had a pair of the Sophia 2s and preferred the 1s which I have kept, have used them with Pass Labs Canary, CJ solid state and settled on the VTLS as you will see in the system and they allowed each application to really shine there strengths but didn't realize how good they were till I pulled a 30 year old B&K ST140 out of my closet to use while I had the VTL rebuilt and was really blown away. The preference for the 1s over the 2s is probably not the general consensus for most but did have both at the same time. Enjoy those bad boys and congratulations. Tooblue