Integrated Amp Jumpers

A while back I replaced the metal jumpers between the pre-amp and amp section of my int-amp with Audioquest jumpers, which are about 3 inches in length. I use Audioquest King Cobras and Diamondbacks for interconnects throughout the rest of my system. I was wondering if anyone knew if using a short length pair of Audioquest King Cobras or Diamondbacks would be an improvement over the Audioquest interconnects sold specifically as jumpers. Without special order I believe the shortest length available for the King Cobras or Diamondbacks is .5m. Any opinions are appreciated.
Nice post guys. I just gto done cleaning up an old NAD 3020 that may never have been opened. After cleaning it up and replacing the jumpers I am confident these types of signal/continuity changes do make cumulative improvements. I came across some audiophile hater site where nobody believed in such tweaks. 
Funny how this hobby can be so split, and helps me understand congress. For those who can't hear or believe in a symmetry between all the various parts in a stereo system, why are you hanging out trying to shoot us down from sharing information, learning and progress? Strange people. Not much faith. One pioneer of this industry was named " the man with the golden ear". He was blind, and only had his ears. He made some of the best sounding amps ever. I know one like this. He is a custom speaker designer that can match components by ear. Not everything can be measured. 
A tip for the non-believers: pick a time when no one is home, pick a time with no traffic to be heard, pick a time the fridge is not running, pick a time you are relaxed, shut off the fans, shut your mouth and listen. If you still think nothing can be improved on, your system likely sucks.
Well I'll jump in too.  This is an old thread, but the subject matter is pertinent still.  I've ordered the Audioquest jumpers for my Nad C326BEE to replace the stock steel jumpers.  I've tried IC's and did notice improvements with some.  But they are long(at least 3 feet) and one pair, the Morrow Audio MA1, introduced momentary hum.  They are not shielded and were apparently picking up some noise.  

It was only heard momentarily when the unit's relays first clicked on, then it was gone.  the stock jumpers and other IC's didn't have this momentary hum at all, though.  Either way, the Audioquest jumpers should be here by the end of next week.

I'm curious to see how they'll sound.  I've read some good, and some heard no difference.  We'll see.
Okay, after one listening session with the Audioquest jumpers, I am satisfied that they are an improvement over the steel stock jumpers.

Better highs which add to the imaging, and vocals are improved as well.  I can't speak to bass response since I was testing them with bookshelf speakers having 4 inch drivers.  But overall, definitely worth the 30 or so, depending on if you have decent speakers or not.
OK here’s my take on this:

I recently bought a preowned C326BEE and also ordered the Audioquest jumpers, having read they make a difference and after auditioning a friend’s NAD 7100 integrated in my system improved by a short IC he brought (brand unknown) instead of the stock lugs.
So, the Audioquest jumpers are an improvement over the stock jumpers. There is more high end detail and depth of soundstage; I swapped back and forth a couple of times to confirm using the same track. Then I tried both an Anti-Cables 1 IC and a Harmonic Technologies Prosilway II IC (both 1 meter) and both of these were yet sonic improvements over the Audioquest jumpers. The HT is a slight bit smoother and deeper of stage than the Anti-Cables, with more solid bass. So the HT IC shall remain in system as the available jumper of choice.
These do make a difference, at least in my setup and it is true without a doubt in my mind that NAD does not do their products justice by the use of those stock staple shaped jumpers.
They would do well to admit this and encourage use of user-provided ICs to improve performance.
Yes, I believe the use of short interconnects to be advantageous with the NAD 326BEE. I use 0.5M AQ Diamondbacks on mine.