I would have to agree with cerrot on all counts above 320kbps just does not cut it. The Lightning DS app I use displays the sample rate of what’s playing though it varies it’s usually in the 1000kbps range with Tidal as well as my own recordings that are flac. I have some recordings in my collection that are mp3, mostly live recordings people have sent me, and the first time I put one on through my Aries I was like hmmm that doesn’t sound great and I glance over and sure enough 320kbps. Just not good enough.
Ghosthouse you might want to retry your experiment and leave the V-link out and see what the results are just for fun. And regarding Tidal being buggy I also agree its about your internet connection. One thing that really helped me was moving it to the 5ghz band, the 2.4ghz band is just too crowded in my urban environment.
Ghosthouse you might want to retry your experiment and leave the V-link out and see what the results are just for fun. And regarding Tidal being buggy I also agree its about your internet connection. One thing that really helped me was moving it to the 5ghz band, the 2.4ghz band is just too crowded in my urban environment.