Which integrated amp would you pick?

Musical Fidelity M6 or Parasound Halo? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. 
Halo is overrated, IMHO. And yes; I've read all the reviews, but in my system,in my room, I was very much underwhelmed. I've just finished a search for a new SS integrated and ended up with  Wells Audio Majestic. At $3600, it may exceed your budget, but in terms of musicality, to my ears, the Wells is far superior. Just thought I'd
mention it as Wells seems to be relatively unknown or at least,
rarely mentioned, in these forums. 
in this range a raven audio blackhawk or rogue cronus magnum ii with tube upgrades sounds much more transparent and dimensional than the halo.

Not sure what it runs, but the Belles Aria is pretty special, I haven't heard this Model Musical Fidelity, but i've heard other MF,   I'm sure its a quality piece and the Parasound is well done also. I haven't heard them on anywhere near the same type of equipment to compare, but I would not buy either without taking a look at a couple of the Belles,  The Soloist 1 and the Aria.

Good Luck, Tim

David Belles has a great reputation, and of course he has been in business for a long time. I was going to look in to the Aria myself, but I may opt for the Heed Obelisk over the Belles. As much as I hate to say it, there is just so little press on Belles. I already got in to, and out of a 2nd system fairly recently. So resale is important to me. That said, I have no problem believing the Aria is a winner. I believe it is around 2K US.

There is more press on the Heed than the Belles?  I've read 2 reviews on the Heed Integrated,  1 says that it is 35 watts and the other says that it is 40 watts,  the Heed website says that it is 50 watts and I can't find any 4 ohm ratings... 1 review says that it is a the bass is a bit shy and it is edgy at the extreme frequencies. The Obelisk Si is not DC coupled.  I haven't heard it, so I can't comment there,  It may be everything needed,  but I can tell you that the Belles is a joy.