How to merge my 2 Channel and HT Systems?

OK, I have downsized to a smaller condo and no longer have the luxury of a dedicated music system in one room and a full HT setup in another. I really would like to keep at least my Plinius SA 102 to power my Joseph Audio RM25si's for music (Thorens turntable, Theta Miles CD player, and maybe FLAC streamed over network) while using my preamp (Anthem) for both and power amp (B&K) to power the rest of the system when listening to HT. Is it possible to merge my two systems so the Plinius drives the Joseph Audio's for music and HT and the rest of the system kicks in for HT?
I use a MANLEY Skipjack. This allows me to use my two channel preamp (output to Skipjack) for two channel sound and my Anthem D2 for HT. (front left and right output to Skipjack). Skipjack outputs to my two channel amps. This also allows me to incorporate my sub only through the D2 (the sub output was adjusted using the ARC system)into my two channel set up as well. This gives me the best of both worlds.The D2 is not a very transparent preamp for two channel IMO.
This also allows independent volume adjustment to the sub when listening to two channel which is very cool!
It can be done, the biggest problem is what is between the two channel speakers. If your screen is wall mounted you're in business. Once I went to a FP and placed the screen on the wall, getting rid of the obstruction between my L/R speakers, a whole new world opened up.

No matter how well you approach it, optimal L/R speaker placement is different for HT and 2 channel. So a combined system will have compromises. But once the L/R speakers have room to breathe the compromise is modest.
I have an 2 channel set up (cd player -> dac -> preamp -> 2 channel amp driving left and right; sub takes low freq thoght he preamp sub out) that is "connected" by HT bypass to a NAD multichannel reciever (does all video processing and multichannel audio and drive center and rear speakers). So, when listening to 2 channel, no compromise as nothing runs through the HT setup. With HT, the amp is contoled by the volume control on NAD (through HT bypass)