Hi Butler:
I just went on here for the first time in ages. I just heard today from George at Kyomi that my new Silver JA30ll amps. shipped today from France. This is just shy of 3 months from when I ordered them. George told me that it was reported from Jadis the Silver will take longer to delivery and that is all I know. How long it takes for the Gold I could not answer but I liked the silver in my system so that is what I wanted. Thanks Butler for the tip they even offered them.
As far as the comment from Mill below I don't disagree with you on the KT150 tube vs. the original however I suspect the power will dictate in the long run. Once I get the amps. I will report back however there is break in involved and a slight mod. inside to use the smaller tubes. That will take me awhile to get to that test. In addition, my old amps. are gone so memory is all I will have but I still want to know myself. I will have more to report in the upcoming weeks ahead. I am making some other changes as I get closer to retirement.