hsu uls-15 mark ii vs Velodyne Optimum 10

I have an opportunity to buy either of these for about the same price. The HSU is a 15" but actually rated lower in power than the Velodyne.  (2000/600 vs 2400/1200). I believe both are sealed type. I will be using for music, not HT. Fairly large room (16x22 with an open entranceway) Any thoughts.  Thanks.

The Hsu is fantastic, and many are tunable with variable Q and porting.  Beautiful finish as well.

Power isn't going to be your determining factor really. Subwoofers are evil dominatrix's that look like the sweet girl next door (or boy next door to be gender neutral).  They are not plug and play and require careful attention and integration.

If the Velodyne comes with built in room correction it's your clear choice.

Also, in a room that large, you may want to eventually get 2.

I highly recommend miniDSP for DIY room correction and subwoofer integration along with Room EQ Wizard (free) or OmniMic (Not free, damn nice).

Also, if you dont' already, check out GIK Acoustics for bass and sofit traps.



Oops, just read your models. From a sound quality get the Hsu. When it comes to high output and low distortion there is no substitute for inches. Yes, I am a Hsu fanboy.

Having said that, the original point about integration is still true. Smaller subs, smaller speakers, are less likely to get into trouble, so for a lot of listeners the smaller diameter woofer is going to be a lot easier to get along with.

The point about power not mattering still stands. Having a bigger diameter woofer, the Hsu will probably be more efficient and able to produce higher SPL’s at lower frequencies, by a fair amount. However you’ll have to do the room integration yourself. This is the way I go, but then I build speakers, so the measuring, and tuning is second nature to me.

You may find that the V 10 has ample output and the push button EQ a joy to live with.

Lastly, pay attention to the floor space, some of the Hsu's are monsters. :)


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The old M&K subs kind of totally sucked, IMHO, and the one I took apart was clearly overrated in power, based on the size of the internal caps.

Otherwise, I agree completely with @bob_reynolds

I’d rather have a Hsu 15’s properly integrated than ANY other sub not integrated well.  And if I could get 2, bonus! :)

