hsu uls-15 mark ii vs Velodyne Optimum 10

I have an opportunity to buy either of these for about the same price. The HSU is a 15" but actually rated lower in power than the Velodyne.  (2000/600 vs 2400/1200). I believe both are sealed type. I will be using for music, not HT. Fairly large room (16x22 with an open entranceway) Any thoughts.  Thanks.

Oops, just read your models. From a sound quality get the Hsu. When it comes to high output and low distortion there is no substitute for inches. Yes, I am a Hsu fanboy.

Having said that, the original point about integration is still true. Smaller subs, smaller speakers, are less likely to get into trouble, so for a lot of listeners the smaller diameter woofer is going to be a lot easier to get along with.

The point about power not mattering still stands. Having a bigger diameter woofer, the Hsu will probably be more efficient and able to produce higher SPL’s at lower frequencies, by a fair amount. However you’ll have to do the room integration yourself. This is the way I go, but then I build speakers, so the measuring, and tuning is second nature to me.

You may find that the V 10 has ample output and the push button EQ a joy to live with.

Lastly, pay attention to the floor space, some of the Hsu's are monsters. :)


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The old M&K subs kind of totally sucked, IMHO, and the one I took apart was clearly overrated in power, based on the size of the internal caps.

Otherwise, I agree completely with @bob_reynolds

I’d rather have a Hsu 15’s properly integrated than ANY other sub not integrated well.  And if I could get 2, bonus! :)


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@bob_reynolds Yeah, after the one's I had. :)

I owned the S-1B satellites and matching subwoofer bought them based on reputation and I always found them to have been overrated. However that was long before they introduced the series you are referring to.

I never really had a chance to listen to M&K again.  AFAIK they over-diversified into too many different models of speakers with mostly cheap components and then got undercut by their manufacturer.

Sadly, if there was a truly golden age, or golden line of speakers from them I never encountered them except in reviews.

