Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?

I am really beginning to believe these 180 remasters are mixed for a 500.00 system.It seems every one I buy it's either super bright,or has an ass load of bass in all the wrong places.The Bowie i have the soundstage is all wacked out .I have a decent setup but i can't imagine how much more obvious it must be on a serious setup.I can say the Yes fragile I got lately (cut fromt he original tapes) sounds pretty good ,Zeppelin In thru the outdoor Yikes! so bright waste of 25.00 again..... 
I tend toward original pressings --whatever that means re country, place of mastering, pressing, etc, at least as a reference point. But, some of these are extremely pricey, 4 figures sometimes. A good remaster serves a purpose. If you listen to pop, sometimes these can actually improve on the "original." RLJ's Pirates was an early digital recording on vinyl- it is an ear bleeder. The MoFi makes it tolerable. A friend asked me about an ORG Blood Sweat and Tears- I compared with an original US Columbia 2 eye and the ORG was richer and less strident. Some records, like the original Vertigos, or more obscure prog- the reissues generally suck, but the originals are nutty money. So, you either bite that bullet or go searching. And a lot of these records are hard to find in a really high quality state of play. I get lucky or break even on quality v condition most of the time, but there is a place for remasters. The issue then becomes which one. And sometimes the original record is just not a great recording. That's where I'll have a lot of copies- each has strengths and weaknesses--and typically, these are older pressings made at different times, not always current remasters. 
LIke I have said before I have a pretty decent setup,and it seems to me these albums are made to be played on systems lacking bass and in general poor performance and by no means an audiophile set up .I have not had good luck,often very bass heavy compressed or just weird "tunnel like "as if there trying to create a false sense of soundstage for a cheap bose set up or something .Maybe I should hook it up to my kitchen setup lol. I am listening to the 180 Genesis Nursey Cryme right now.remixed by Genesis and Nick Davis.I do like it it sounds digitized though,pinpoint quiet which was in no way anything Genesis lol the highs are not ripping my drivers out  .But i will offer it a b- for what is came from.Although it sounds very cdish ( did i invent a word there lol)
FWIW - exception to the (my) rule, maybe...

Don't want to sully you vinyl purists but just ordered The James Gang June 2000 remastered CDs of Yer Album and Thirds (already had Rides Again).  Bill Szymczyk supposedly involved with the remastering.  These versions on Spotify sounded pretty darn good with headphones so went ahead and ordered them.  $5.00 each with 2 day Amazon Prime delivery. Nice detail and separation.  Bass especially on Yer Album is well recorded.  Neither sounds hot or shrill.     
I have Cambridge transport and a Bel Canto dac, I listen to both although i do lean towards vinyl .