Looking for speakers under 30" tall.

Hi everyone,  I moved to a new home and my old system just doesn't fit in my new living room.  I'm looking for speaker options that are 30" or less from the floor to the top of the speaker. 

I have been considering monitors on short stands but I don't think they were designed to be so low.

Are there any really nice options out there that fit my needs?
why do you think short towers are going to give better sound at that height than monitors> i see no logic in that. off axis response is the same whether the tweeter is in a small box or tall box...is that the worry? maybe i missed something but so many great monitors out there already built
Focal SM9. Kick ass powered speakers. Just put them on a stand of your choice. 
Most speakers are about 900mm or 1.0m tall so that the tweeters are aligned at about the same level as the ears. If the tweeters are below the ear’s level the sound quality may be compromised. Unless the listener sits on the floor instead of a couch when listening to music.
So many considerations beyond height, but if height was primary
consideration, I would consider:

Vandersteen 1C @ around 3' tall....

Ryan Audio R610 on an 18" stand by others, for less than 3'
It's hard to get me excited about dynamic loudspeakers......I've
owned so many.........with results far lacking to my Magnepan 3.7s, but
these Ryans definetely have my attention: