Recommendation for Improvement over McCormack DNA-225

I currently have a McCormack DNA 225 mated with a VTL 2.5 and Line Magnetic 502 DAC powering my Salk Veracity HT3's. I think it sounds really nice but can definitely have some top end harshness, especially at the volumes I like to listen to.  I consider the Salk's are fairly power hungry in the low end (as confirmed with Jim Salk), can anyone recommend a SS amp with as much grunt as the McCormack in the range of 2K plus or minus.  Sure I would like a Pass or Ayre, but those are way above my price bracket.    I've tried Bel Canto Ref1000 mono's and Van Alstine.  The DNA had a better mid range presentation and better bottom end than both, no comparison.  Any other recommendations shy of the DNA 500, which again is over my price range.
All good suggestions.  Thank you so much.  My source is Tidal HiFi and HDTracks HiRez downloads streamed through a SB Touch using.  I agree perhaps to look at some reasonable fuses and try some different wire but I'm not going to drop a boatload of money on this to be sure.  I also had a dual core room correction a while back.  Didn't like it as I felt it robbed the sound of that natural resonant feel from bass and woodwind instruments.  
I do have a very competent tech who could upgrade the amp with parts consistent with what SMC does for much less money.
Hi dwolek,
Having experience with Steve's SMc Audio upgrades I can say that the quality of the result is far beyond just having a tech replace some parts.  Being the original designer (in most cases), and having spent years perfecting different levels of upgrades that include circuit changes as well as parts upgrades, Steve has a unique ability to get the most out of the already good-sounding stock McCormack gear.

I preferred the DNA-2 LAE that Steve upgraded for me over a pair of the much-heralded Ncore, NC1200 Acoustic Imagery Atsahs, and also kept the DNA-2 while selling another pair of highly rated Class A hybrid monos costing about 4 times as much.  I have experience with several well-regarded and expensive solid state amplifiers and I found the upgraded DNA-2 to be mostly competitive with all of them, with the choice of what I liked best coming down to personal preference rather than any sonic shortcomings. 

The preamp Steve rebuilt for me has bested every preamp (about 20) that I have owned and used in my system, including several units priced over $10K. 

My point is that the result of Steve's work can be very good indeed, both on an absolute scale and certainly for the money.  I have heard good things about CODA but I have also heard good things about the upgraded DNA 225.

After re-reading my previous post on this issue, I want to amend.  I mentioned "harshness" in the treble.  I should have said an "over-emphasis" in the treble with the stock DNA-1 amp.  Steve's circuit modifications evened out the frequency balance, opened up the soundstage and revealed a smoother, more life-like texture to instruments.  The difference is amazing.  If you have a specific budget to work within, it can't hurt to call and talk to Steve and see what he can do for you.

All the best!


Dwilek; what at does that stand for?
where you at?

anyway, I second the power upgrades & forgot to mention it

VH Audio has some good stuff and good prices

I thought the outlet & power cable stuff was all " hooey" to......( engineer by trade)
bit it really does change stuff( almost like a new component)
i did the Furtech outlets and power distribution for $500 or so and it helped a boat load on the highs
( who would think outlet coating and wire would change the high end delicacy that much?)
it just cannot be!!!!

I would start on power as 1st choice, cheaper and easy

2nd, IC for amp to preamp was $300 or so & worked on delicacy and soundstage
allbthe other cables get real pricy

I tried the cableco on low cost stuff, naw
the cheaper stuff really doesn't do much

Kimber Hero is good, Best selling item for Kimber ( I hear)

see my comments on system


Actually I would recommend that everyone try a different outlet.  I've tried a few of the more affordable.  You can hear improvements in a $40 to $200 outlet,  So I don't call them snake oil....I also have power conditioning on my preamp and Dac, made a nice improvement.  For me,  My amps have sounded best plugged directly into the outlet.  I have also modified gear and have had terrific changes... If you are going to keep this amp for several years, that isn't a bad option IF you are convinced that this will give you the improvement that you seek.... My experience is that when you go to sell a piece of modded equipment, others just aren't willing to pay for the mods and you end up losing that money. 

If he buys a Pass or Coda.... or whatever on a decent used price,  dwolek won't risk losing much money, you can normally resell for about what you pay and the resale of the McCormack will help recoup a lot of what he pays for the purchase of the new amp.

I hope this all makes sense.  Tim