hsu uls-15 mark ii vs Velodyne Optimum 10

I have an opportunity to buy either of these for about the same price. The HSU is a 15" but actually rated lower in power than the Velodyne.  (2000/600 vs 2400/1200). I believe both are sealed type. I will be using for music, not HT. Fairly large room (16x22 with an open entranceway) Any thoughts.  Thanks.

The old M&K subs kind of totally sucked, IMHO, and the one I took apart was clearly overrated in power, based on the size of the internal caps.

Otherwise, I agree completely with @bob_reynolds

I’d rather have a Hsu 15’s properly integrated than ANY other sub not integrated well.  And if I could get 2, bonus! :)


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@bob_reynolds Yeah, after the one's I had. :)

I owned the S-1B satellites and matching subwoofer bought them based on reputation and I always found them to have been overrated. However that was long before they introduced the series you are referring to.

I never really had a chance to listen to M&K again.  AFAIK they over-diversified into too many different models of speakers with mostly cheap components and then got undercut by their manufacturer.

Sadly, if there was a truly golden age, or golden line of speakers from them I never encountered them except in reviews.


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I have a pair of HSU ULS-15 (1st generation). I can tell you they do not lack for power in my 14'x 36' living/dining room which is also open to the rest of the house (kitchen/loft/hallway, cathedral ceiling, etc).

I moved up to this pair from a pair of SVS SB12+. The SVS subs integrated better with my mains, but did not have the output required for my space. The ULS-15s go low with authority. I had some peak issues at certain frequencies with the ULS's and now have excellent integration using an SVS AS-EQ1. Probably one of the best (least expensive) pieces I've added to my system. Easy to set up and with great results. If you have room in your budget and can find one, I highly recommend the AS-EQ1 (you will need an old Windows laptop to set it up, I picked one up for $50 on my local CL.)

The ULS-15 should have plenty of output in your current space. Looks like the Velodyne has auto EQ however, which is something to consider if you're not a tinkerer.