8-16 ohm budget speakers

Looking for suggestions for speakers that represent an easy drive for a Dynaco ST-70 amplifier. I was thinking ones with 90+ dB sensitivity and 8+ ohms across the frequency range w/benign phase angle. As this is a secondary system I am looking to spend $300-$400 on the used market.  Thanks. 
You may want to check out Tekton. If you are patient you can find a used pair of Mini-Lores in your price range.
rsfphil, Thanks for the Tekton rec. I looked Tekton up and now have the Mini Lore Monitor's on my short list. Imagine them to be hard to find on the used market. I plan on giving them a call tomorrow. 
If you have the space I would recommend the Mini-Lore floor-standers. They are pretty much a full range speaker and are only $25 more than the monitors. Your Dynaco will have no trouble driving them. Talk to Eric and he will recommend which speaker is best for your situation. 
I have a bookshelf kit that will run you about $350 if you want to build them yourself. :) More if you go with premium crossover parts.

Measurements are here.

Design is 100% free and parts available from multiple sources. Sensitivity is 89dB, impedance is over 8 Ohms until around 200 Hz where it drops to 6.  Should be a very easy load.