Is upgrading pre worth it?

I Own a Denon 7.2 receiver. I am using it for a pre.  I have an st100 Rogue amp. What difference would  a nice pre make?  for 1500 used Rogue pre would I get 1.5k worth of sound.
Let's just say it depends. Gerenally speaking, I advocate getting the source in order, then amp/speaker cables/speakers unit and preamp the last to bind everything together. In this case you match preamp to both amp and phono stage, and dac that you already got. It might be in the end the most important component - more reason to do it when the rest is set. Could be done differently, yeah.
Thanks for all the help. I will tell you results asap. Will be listing thew a pair of Fritz Carb 7se's
Congrats and happy listening and please do let us know how it all sounds!
FWIW, I recently replaced my longtime solid state McIntosh preamplifier with a tube unit. For me, the change was epic. Please don't attack this statement as it is no reflection on McIntosh. I think everyone has an ideal image of what sound they want, and for me, the tube preamp makes it.