In-walls for 6 & 7

I have no experience with in-wall speakers, so seek recommendations for rear channel, i.e. 6 & 7, speakers. It seems as though there is little programming, even in newer films, with 7.1 sound, so I wonder what audio needs to be accommodated. The speakers would be driven by a Proceed Amp 2. The LR mains are KEF Reference 104.2s, center and surrounds KEF Reference 102, all with matching dome tweeters. I had originally planned to hang a pair of redundant KEF Reference 102.2s, but the carpenter convinced me in-walls would be cosmetically better. Any recommendations? Is my assessment of a paucity of 7.1 material accurate?

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd

The processor is a Cary Cinema 11a. I'm not sure whether it can matrix 5.1 into 7.1. I'll consult the manual. Pacific Sales in Goleta, on the other side of Santa Barbara from Montecito, claims to carry the KEF C and T series, so it's worth the 10-15 minute drive to take a look and perhaps a listen. Either series would be less visible than a pair of KEF 102.2s.

I couldn't find a price for the Triad speakers Maril555 mentions.

I picked up a pair of in wall paradigms SA-35 (MSRP 1600) for 700 brand new on ebay and could not be happier. Drive them with bel canto S300 (also from ebay). These integrate with a very high end 2 channel system, a very good center channel and a JL audio sub.
db, according to Cary's spec sheet of the 11a it does matrixing. It has "Listener Profile for speaker settings". I'm not sure if that's an automated room correction EQ or simply manual volume and distance settings. Overall it seems like a terrific processor and a great beginning of a satisfying Home Theater.

Montecito eh. I'm coastal (Capitola) and was fortunate to spend six months in Montecito in the early 70's and a few more months restoring and living on a very large schooner in the harbor. I took my wife there for the first time last August and was planning on staying at the Miramar. To my surprise it's been closed for some time and the Biltmore is stupid over the top. I did catch a nice chest high dawn at Rincon. I hadn't surfed there since 67 and the bottom hasn't changed much.

Take care

I looked at the manual last night, and also discovered does matrixing. Cary advises not using the automated room correction that comes of the chip they use, relying instead on a tape measure and SL meter. I bought the Cinema 11a after reading Stereophile's Michael Fremer rave about its audio. It replaced a Proceed PAV/PDSD that was moved to the living room.

The media room has a Sony VPL-50 projecting onto a 1.3 100" screen, 5 KEFs with T33 tweeters, a Velodyne HGS-15 with SMS-1 bass manager, PS3 and HD-DVR through a DVDO Edge, an XA5400ES, and a Thorens TD 160 table and SME Series arm with an Ortofon SME 30H cartridge. The amps are Proceed Amp 2 & 3. I'm looking for a used Amp 2 for the rear channels.

The Miramar has been the subject of controversy for years. The locals don't like the eyesore, but also don't want the additions the new owners claim are needed to make the project viable. The previous owner who could have done a nice job of it got disgusted after his run-ins with the locals over his remodel of the Coral Casino. He owns both the Biltmore and even higher-end San Ysidro Ranch. He's also built what I'd guess is a $50M+ residence up the hill from the Biltmore. Rincon is neat.
I heard the KEF T301 speakers today, and was impressed. They sounded clean, without the boom of so many of the in-wall speakers I heard. Hanging them on the rear wall, either vertically or horizontally, seems easy. If I hate them after listening awhile, I can probably sell the pair at half price, and will only have lost $350.
