Are there used/mint balanced pre-amp with a few unblanced inputs under $2000??

Need recommendations for a used balanced pre-amp with approximately 3 balanced input  One for a CD player and another  for hooking up a fully balanced amp.  And, possibly, one additional balanced input  I don't need a processor HT loop, nor DAC input and output. I do need a remote, and a very good headphone feature would be great  Phone box or stage could be added. 

Unfortunately, many balanced or mixed balanced and unbalanced pre-amps or line stages offer multiple balanced inputs, and also  several RCA inputs and outputs

They usually lack remote, phone stage and headphone features.  The back of some look like a recording console and the front, a cuckoo clock.    Not for me!!.

I prefer simple and usable  features,  but outstanding sound quality. I have a BAT VK200 amp

I am NOT hopeful such a component is available. However, I have looked at the Copland CT305, Cary SLP202, and a few of the BAT pre-amps in a cursory search     Thank you  


To djohnson: The BAT VK-31 you indicated with remote and phono stage is gone.  Strange because I was on AG yesterday, I did not see a listing for an BAT VK-31. This must have been the quickest sale in the history of AG.  Thanks anyway for the heads-up
My experience buying, selling, and watching sales on AG is that items that are sought after and priced right often sell within the 1st day. 
@sunnyjim You're welcome.  It did look like a good deal having both the phono and remote options installed and, like mesch said, they go fast.  I use a BAT VK-3i with my McCormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe and it sounds wonderful.  My only problem is the sensitivity of the McCormack which was really probably designed for Steve's passive line stages.  I don't get to use much of my volume control. :)  Always wanted to try the VK-200 though, I hear it's a fabulous amp.  Best of luck.  Dick
Sunnyjim...if you can find an Ayre K1xe used, grab it.  It's what you're looking for.  ..may be more money than you want to spend, but its a great piece.