ARC Ref virgin

I'm potentially going to purchase these monos which will be my first tube component. 
It has new Sovtek tubes; are these ok & a good match for the amps?
Is there a superior tube for these monos? 
What exactly is happening with biasing? 

I owned an ARC CL-60 tube amp which I traded for a new VT-100. It, apparently, had a bad 6550 power tube (discovered by dealer the next day). I had no idea something was wrong. The point is losing a tube doesn’t always mean a catastrophe.
Good luck with those fine tube amps!
P.S. What is the rest of the system?
@don_c55 - is that normal tube amp activity or model/tube dependent? 

@dweller - Pass XP-20 pre but as yet undecided on speakers.. possibilities are the new PMC twenty5.24, Wilson Benesch Vector, My Audio Design Baron.

There are plenty of choices of amps that don't suffer circuit damage when a tube fails.  Many amps are easy to bias as well.  ARC amps don't meet my expectations.  
If you haven't yet decided on what speakers you'll be using, it's probably premature to choose an amplifier. Given that you've never owned a tube amplifier before, what led you to decide on buying a Ref 210?
I wouldn't rule out a Pass amp. Do your research regarding heat, tube life and cost to re-tube. ARC makes wonderful - great tube amps, but not for me. I'll stick with my Pass amp with a tube preamp.