Anybody used Nikko amps before?

Hi, I would like to know if anybody here ever used Nikko amps and pre amps? If so, how would you classified its quality and sound? Does is stand up to todays electronics? The reason for my question is because there aren't to much info out there. What I do know is Nikko is no longer made. Thanks for your concern and happy listening. :)
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
I worked at a Tech Hifi ~1978 where these were sold. Yes, they were one of the better sounding if not best Japanese lines back then. Don't know much about latter models.


- The good stuff is a good 30+ years old so I would question how good original units might work these days. Once refurbed or repaired, all bets are off....results could be good or bad in any case.

- these might do better than similar new gear at same price point or not. There is a chance, but hard to say. Results will vary.

- a bigger financial investment on newer gear researched properly to best fit your needs would likely deliver better results.
I bought a couple of early Nikko receivers, 301 and a 501, because they were cheap and I wanted to learn to work on electronics myself. I recapped both if them and they sound awesome. I think some folks rely on brand names to tell them what sounds good, but if you look at the components used in Nikko gear and maybe even listen to some of it, you will see that it is better than some of the popular brands back in the day. 
The original Alpha 'I' was one of the finest sounding amps ever built. 
I could live with a Nikko system. There separates were excellent, nothing mid-fI about them.

New here... Hi!
Bought an Alpha 220, Beta 20, Gamma 20 stack at Tech HiFi in 1981 along with an SAE Parametric EQ, Thorens TT & Micro Acoustics 3002 MC cart. This gear has powered JBL 4311's (bought with the Nikko gear) Tannoy System 10's, and now a set ADS L1230's. My Nikko gear has NEVER faltered or needed service other than a contact cleaning for the tunnel power switch. To say the gear has been reliable and a tremendous value would be an understatement. Clean warm power, perfect set of features for a solid 2.0 system and a real quality feel. Buddies have newer NAD and Rotel separates and always say that my old gear sounds richer/better. Now that's all subjective and my modest setup is in a room with great acoustics and the Parametric EQ can really make your vintage gear sing, but honestly, I prefer my vintage Nikko electronics as well over any of their newer gear. If you have a chance to own Nikko separates, I strongly recommend the purchase. 35+ years and still working like the day I brought it all home. Just my opinion...
bgross, we’re living mirror lives! I, too, purchased the Nikko stack from Tech Hifi the same year. It was advertised in Tech Hifi’s beautiful color catalog as one of their high-end solutions. It took a while to trade up to the Nikko stack (Alpha 220, Beta 20, Gamma 20), but I got there. I began a couple years prior with a Marantz 2216b (still collectible). I demoed the Nikko stack several times in the high-end sound room -- almost always with Klipsch Cornwalls. I was hooked with one listen. The Cornwalls were too expensive and too huge to fit in my childhood bedroom, so I settled for their soul brothers -- Cerwin Vega’s (HED-3000, 3-way, w/12 " woofers and horn tweeters). Teenage heaven. Led Zeppelin, The Who, AC/DC, Van Halen could all crack plaster with that setup. I still have the Philips turntable. My poor parents.

I picked up a second Alpha 220 to bi-amp a set of Snell D’s for several years. Wow. Tight, deep bass and crystal clear vocals. The imaging was second-to-none.

Eventually I also picked up the Beta 40 and Gamma 40. I must say, the Beta 40 is audibly better than the Beta 20.

About 5 years ago I finally bought a set of 1984 Klipsch Cornwalls via eBay. One owner, oiled walnut finish & mint condition. I’m living the dream. Concert hall sound in my living room.

My system is basically 35 years old and I’ve never heard a better setup. The Nikko amps are amazing -- warm, clear and quick. Apparently, they are also built to last.

If I can find nice Alpha 440, I’d pick that up for a try, too.