7.1 system suggestions for a two channel guy

I'm building a new home and am looking to go from a two channel system to a seven channel system. I went to my "audio guy's" showroom to hear what he had to offer. The sytems and speakers he showed me were loud and muddy. I tend to like more of an analog two channel sound but I want to try the seven channel in my new home for surround sound but don't want to sacrice quality for quantity.

My question is does anyone have ideas as to a unit/system that will provide a clear seven channel sound which meets modern demands at an affordable price. I going for "bang for my buck." Also I'm going from two channel towers to 7 channel in-walls so some suggestions on in-wall fronts would be nice also. Jamo?
james loudspeakers., Anthem electronics, go with better equipment , so I would suggest a 5.1 system rather than 7.1. Quality before quantity, bear in mind when listening to a home theater program , most of what you hear willcome via the center ( dialogue ) channel. Assuming you will use this as a music system also, the flanking fronts will be important to derive a satisfactory experience. Take your time - good luck!
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The speakers should not be chosen until a room analysis is done with consideration of what the seating and treatments will be. Time to read Floyd Toole's 'Sound Reproduction' book, before you spend a dime.