@freediver , absolutely stunning that a speaker manufacturer would claim that speakers are the most important part of the audio chain. I'm surprised that Time magazine did not cover that earth-shattering news release.
BTW, his name is Bill Duddleston. Good man. He is more responsible for my indoctrination into high end audio than anyone else. I saw a small, 4 line ad for his company, Reel To Real designs back then in 1987, in the back of Audio magazine. I contacted him, and he sent me a bunch of information and literature. Back then he was working out of his garage.
Magazines like Stereophile and The Absolute Sound, that I had never heard of. Speakers from companies like Vandersteen that I had never heard of. Opening the door into a whole new world.
I owned 3 pair of Legacy speakers from around 1987-2000, good stuff.
That said, it is still shocking that a speaker manufacturer would state that speakers are the most important part of the audio chain.
Who'd of thunk it???