What is going on? No-one buys good stuff priced right.

There are Lamm hybrid monos, Rowland 8T, YBA Passion Integre and Lavardin integrateds, Dynaudio Contour and Confidence speakers,and that's only what I took a look at.
Too many choices, too much hesitation, no funds, not in the mood, summer time ?
I've been using Agon for 15 years now (holy crap) and have gone thru so much equipment it makes me wonder. After retiring a few months ago, the time of needing newer, better, or just more equipment is over for me. It's been a nice ride though, and I have not just heard, but owned some extremely nice gear.

For some reason the thrill of owning and listening to the really nice stuff always seems to fade for me. I start thinking, "I paid $5k for this amp and is it making my listening any more satisfying?" My answer has always been "no, not really." The expensive stuff get's sold, and lately not through Audiogon.

What has been satisfying is finding pieces which offer equal (to my ear) sonic pleasure at a fraction of the price. Building Bottlehead kits comes immediately to mind. Or my latest project, finding a non-working Hafler amp and bringing new life to it with modifications. 

As I said, my stuff doesn't get sold through Agon anymore; they lost me during the big shake up a few years ago. Seemed like every time I went to list an item here the fee structure was different and there were other alternatives which worked just as well for me. When I joined this site, placing ads cost $2 it might've been $1 but my memory is fuzzy. It was a wonderful site for hobbyists. As with everything in life though, it changed. 

2channel8 has it right on the money, pun intended. I have slowed my buying to a crawl because the price of used gear is absurd. The prices reflect a depreciation that is just not realistic. I recently looked into a pair of speakers that were 16 years old and the owner was asking 70% of original price. I walked away.
I've noticed that the audio market has slowed down where Im at as well.  I've been trying to sell a pair of speakers for 8 months.  I've only received 1 lowball offer.  The speakers are priced well.  2 years old, light use at moderate levels, perfect condition, boxes etc.  Msrp was $1800.  I was asking $625.  Got an offer at $550.  Raised the price to $725 :)

Theres a company local to me that has started buying up the gear on craigslist in order to resell it at a higher price on their website.  I've seen gear sitting there for awhile as well (serves them right!).

I usually shift my focus to cars, motorcycles, and road trips in the summer.  As soon as snow starts blowing, I buy stereo gear again!

Well some other sites are not much better - I have gear fairly priced (I did a lot of research etc.) posted for 2 years...

As far as old school gear vs newer or SS vs tubes - we all have our preferences. I have a nice mix of fully recapped old school SS gear such as Sansui BA/CA 3000 with the 9900TU and 929 TT - nice but far from say my entry level Shindo gear or even the Almarro 318b which I got for a very reasonable price. I also have Pioneer Series20, Marantz Esotec, Kenwood Supreme700 and Yamaha 2000 Centennial Series with matching NS1000 speakers...Love them all.

However, one of the best sounding set was a mish-mash of Dodd battery powered preamp, Pass Labs Aleph Ono phono amp, Quicksilver Silver 70 mono-blocks with Kuzma Stabi/Stogi TT, SONY SACD ES777 and a McIntosh MR71. All from AG all for pretty decent/very fair price. It took me some time to assemble but it was worth the work/time. I also met nice folks either in person or at least through email.

YMMV - enjoy the music!