110" screen for JVC 3D projector

I need your thoughts on a screen for a JVC 3D projector going to buy this week or next .I'm looking for a 110" I've been looking at VUTEK silverstar and Screen Innovations Black Diamond thank you for input .
Its a dark room no windows and I did not think Swewart had a screen with a gain as high as 6 thought they had 1.5.to 2
5. I was told the higher the gain the better was I told wrong ?
I would take a Black Diamond over the Firehawk anyday. The Stewart is ok and all but the Diamond is a game changer so there just isnt any contest. Personally I dont think either should cost nearly as much as they do but again the BD is in another league, if you dont think so just check out demo video cause you wont feel the same after education on this product.