110" screen for JVC 3D projector

I need your thoughts on a screen for a JVC 3D projector going to buy this week or next .I'm looking for a 110" I've been looking at VUTEK silverstar and Screen Innovations Black Diamond thank you for input .
The place to get expert advice on screens is AVSFORUM, this is more music side of spectrum. Many of us have plenty of experience but trust me AVS is where the real theater info is. Cheaper screens with high gain are more prone to spotting so I would put more research into that rather than blind faith in one opinion. Not to say it may not be accurate just not enough is known.
No problem, as a member there also I can personally vouch for the great info on virtually every aspect of HT, the screen forum alone has well over 6000 topic posts and counting. Cheers
Well I installed the 110" silverstar yesterday and I have to say WOW.The combination of the JVC DLA-X3 and the silverstar is amazing 1080P and 3D looks as good as promised like a 110" plasma but better no hot spots at all even went as far as to shine a bright light at the screen and could not see anything could not see any lights from the room at all even on a black screen .