Treatements of the room sometimes actually are not related at all to room acoustics or even to RFI/EMI. Room acoustics and RFI/EMI have both been covered up the yin yang like forever, especially room acoustics. What hasn't been covered much at all is Morphic Fieids and how to get rid of the darn things. Of the products I sell related to room treatments only a smattering actually deal with room acoustics. The rest deal with what feng shui generally refresh to as "negative energy." Flying Saucers for Windows may or may not deal with RFI/EMI, I'm still collating. But Blue Meanies, Green Meanies, Quantum Temple Bell and Morphic Message Labels categorically DON'T fit into the room acoustics category or the RFI/EMI category.
geoff kait
machina dynamica
no goats no glory
geoff kait
machina dynamica
no goats no glory