Calling all room treatment type specialists...

I bought one of those great Maxell Tape commercial posters...remember the guy sitting in his chair with the speakers seemingly blowing in his face.  Well, I don't want to put up a standard glass/plastic frame, because I think it would look a little cheesy in my room, AND b/c I don't want a hard reflective surface in the general area where the picture would. 

I would like to consider whether that poster can be adhered to a material that in turn is the top of a sound absorption panel.  I've been making my own absorbers for years with Roxul, wood framing, and the covering material of my choice (easily passes air through the fabric).  But what if I try to adhere that great poster to the face of the panel?  My limited understanding says it will reflect higher frequencies, and allow lower frequencies to pass through.  Perfect.

Any thoughts on whether the poster will be more reflective than absorptive? And what would you use to adhere the poster.  Spray on adhesive, maybe? 

Ag insider logo xs@2xeduceus
educeus OP
9 posts
08-21-2016 3:01pm
So...Geoffkait...I have to admit I have no idea what you’re talking about. That doesn’t mean much, b/c I barely understand much going on around me anyway. Are you being funny, or is there something else to tuning a room than taming runaway frequencies, isolating our electronics from vibrations, and proper cord placement? Is this all feng shui stuff? I’m generally familiar with the idea, but affecting sound quality???...that seems a stretch. But then, I would have thought fancy cables and isolation were voodoo until I experienced the effects myself. Always good to keep an open least for a while.

OK, fair enough. Lol Here are some intermediate level room treatments that might make more sense that have been controversial to varying degrees. Shakti Hallographs, Shun Mook Mpingo Discs, Marigo dots for windows and walls, crystals for room corners, walls and windows, Golden Sound Acoustic Discs for room corners, SteinMusic Harmonizer high frequency air molecule accelerator, Ultra Tweeters, Sugar Cubes and other tiny bowl acoustic resonators,

Geoff, don't you have a product which would improve the sonic characteristics of his fantastic poster? If not, get on it.
Not every inch of wallspace needs to be treated. There are such things as negative space and reflective areas in the room.
See if there is a workable spot to hang that awesome poster and get it framed.

If you physically try to spray-mount the poster to a panel, you run the risk of ruining the paper.
2,724 posts
08-21-2016 7:49pm
Geoff, don’t you have a product which would improve the sonic characteristics of his fantastic poster? If not, get on it.

Oh, now I get it. You guys are actually serious about this. In that case all the OP needs to do is cut the poster into the appropriate size squares and paste the squares onto the squares of the Skyline diffuser and place the Skyline diffuser between the speakers. Thus, the poster will appear as a flat surface to the listener AND act as a diffuser. Problem solved!