JFTR, you really won't know for sure, until you get one or both in your system, with your gear in your room! - and then you gotta tinker with it...set it up right, and spend time. All the opinions in the world won't answer all those points for you...not to mention your own personal preferences and tastes. (hey, we all own different gear)
Why not simply look for a used unit on the market, and buy one? Then, you can simply sell it back on the market, and get your funds back. Then, you can do the same with the other processor, and THEN YOU'LL ACTUALLY KNOW!
If you're a savvy buyer, you'll actually make money here! If you just pick up what comes along, perhaps you'll either get you're money back when you sell, or maybe lose a hundred or so. But big deal! You'll have paid a small price, if any, and gotten an education, and some experience.
Everything else is a whole lotta "he said, she said"...