Need Suggestions for speakers up to $15K new/used

I am a relative newb when it comes to this high-end world of audio. I purchased most of my equipment last year and then got involved in a home renovation project that zapped much of my funds ($500K...ouch). The renovation is concluding and I should have about $15K to throw at speakers to complete my system.

Here is what I have purchased so far:
*Contstellation Audio Inspiration Amp/Preamp
*PS Audio Direct Stream DAC with board
*PS Audio Power Station
*Oppo 105D
*Parasound JC3+ phono preamp
*Pro-ject Xpression Turntable with unknown cartridge
*Blinn Super Wide Audio Rack

I was all set to buy Raidho D1.1 last years and then had to cancel the order at the last minute due to the funding requirements of our renovation :/. I attended RMAF in 2014 and heard the Raidho’s and couldn’t get their sound out of my head. It was the best system I heard at the show. They were using Constellation electronics so hence the reason I bought the same brand. I didn’t have the funds to buy the expensive Constellation stuff but I was hoping for a similar sound. I also chose the JC3+ because I read that John Curl designed the preamp. He also designs for Constellation. Expectation is some trickle down in the technology and sound. Who knows but so far so good.

My room is 14’ x 22’ with 6’8" ceilings (crappy, i know). The room is in the basement and is all new drywall with new carpet over hardwoods. I like to listen to all kinds of great music including jazz, classical, industrial, pop to country.

So that leaves me with my dilemma, what speakers to buy? I plan to attend RMAF in October to listen to other speakers but would like a list of suggestions based on my requirements/restrictions. RMAF is overwhelming with all the choices and I don’t have time to listen to everything.

The brands I have heard that I have enjoyed include:
*Wilson Audio
*There are others but these come to mind first.

Please let me know your recommendations on new or used speakers within my budget.

No, I live in Denver bache.  I will seek out listening sessions in October at RMAF and make a decision.

inna, I am sure you didn't intend to make me out to be an A$$  by buying my amp and preamp in advance of my speakers.  I actually recall a conversation with the rep at Wilson Audio at RMAF and he recommended buying the amp/preamp BEFORE the speakers.  I know, what an idiot.  Anyway, I will continue on to stumble forward in my stupidity and hopefully end up with something that my dumb fuc$ ears and brain will like.
That's a strange approach by the Wilson representative.
Good modern solid state amps should work reasonably well with many speakers, so it's unlikely that you will end up with a bad match. It just might be the difference between an acceptable match and excellent match.