Are there used/mint balanced pre-amp with a few unblanced inputs under $2000??

Need recommendations for a used balanced pre-amp with approximately 3 balanced input  One for a CD player and another  for hooking up a fully balanced amp.  And, possibly, one additional balanced input  I don't need a processor HT loop, nor DAC input and output. I do need a remote, and a very good headphone feature would be great  Phone box or stage could be added. 

Unfortunately, many balanced or mixed balanced and unbalanced pre-amps or line stages offer multiple balanced inputs, and also  several RCA inputs and outputs

They usually lack remote, phone stage and headphone features.  The back of some look like a recording console and the front, a cuckoo clock.    Not for me!!.

I prefer simple and usable  features,  but outstanding sound quality. I have a BAT VK200 amp

I am NOT hopeful such a component is available. However, I have looked at the Copland CT305, Cary SLP202, and a few of the BAT pre-amps in a cursory search     Thank you  


@timlub That I would really like to hear. The last time I heard a Coda preamp, ages and ages ago, it was flat and lifeless sounding.


  1. @erik_squires   Oh my, flat & lifeless. I would have to think that you were dealing with an impedance problem with the amp being used.  I've heard the CL, the CP and the 07X as well as a couple of preamps that Coda has made for Sanders and Innersound.  All were musical... I know that SGR (Steve) here on Agon compared the CP with a Pass (don't remember X10 or X20) a year or 2 ago and purchased the Coda.  I've not heard the 05X.  The are all single ended, balanced, remote, nice pace, rhythm soundstage, grainfree and detailed. Not sure that we heard the same thing....
  2. Have you ever been to a Legacy Audio booth? Bill uses a CP or an 07X... All these people that rave on hearing Legacy speakers at shows or at the Showroom heard them on Coda....

@timlub It was a very long time ago, back when Roger Sanders still owned InnerSound, and before he began Sanders Sound.

We demoed the Coda preamp with the Electrostatic Amp, also made by Coda. They were in two different leagues I'm afraid.

I'm glad to hear they've overcome that, I was a big fan of Threshold and like to see that legacy go on.


@erik_squires  Well that makes sense,  the ESL amps were out in 1998 and all but maybe one of the amps that Coda did for Roger have been nice....
I own a CL,  it has been in its box for over a year now,  but I plan on cracking it out again... My system had a huge stage and completely disappeared with the CL in the front.  Dynamics certainly weren't a problem.  Of course, there is always better and that doesn't make a Coda right for sunnyjim,  but I do think that they are worth a listen. Especially a CL, CP, 05X or 07X....  I can comment on any other models. 
@sunnyjim If you haven't made a choice yet, a VK-31SE just popped up for $2,100.  Dick