Retooling the system upward?? What speakers would be a major upgrade over GET model 7's?

Fishing for opinions about what speakers would represent a major upgrade from the Golden Ear Technology model 7, the rage product of CES 2012. Overall, it is very good speaker. So why so I want to change??. Because, I slowly acquiring much better electronics, and therefore want to experience the sonic improvements of high end separates ( not new but used)  So far, the one major change made has been the purchase of a used BAT VK-200 which has made a notable difference in the sound. However, I have as of yet found a suitable pre-amp

Let me cut to the chase, I have considered the "new" Magneplanar point 7 speaker,  or  possibly the 1.7r  ( which may be too big for my 12X15 living room.)  I happened to run across an ad  on AG yesterday for a pair of the Salk Song Tower QWT speakers which have received good reviews. This  model is Salk's entry level speaker (I think) the higher  models promise better sound.   Therefore, looking for recommendations for speaker that will be a major upgrade over GET's 7 and.not a sideways move.  I will address the issue of new speakers only after I find the right pre-amp for the BAT amp. 

For the record, I have a Rogue Sphinx integrated amp (whose pre-out connects up the BAT amp),  an Ayre CX-7e mp CD player. The interconnect is an older Harmonic Technology "Truth Link" IC, and speaker cable are alternated between Grover Huffman Z series, and Harmonic Technology Pro 11 + speaker cables.  In addition, I used a Blue Circle "Thingee" power line condition ( really a stupid name)   Thank you!! 

You sound like a good candidate for these perhaps depending on your exact goals in "moving up".
Hi @sunnyjim

I would focus on the mid-treble. If you fell in love with the treble of them, then  you should focus on speakers that have those qualities but are even better.

I would think that if you really like the GE speakers, and want to step up B&W will probably be your brand of choice.  Beyond that older Magico's.The new one's are more neutral and could sound dull to you.

I am not by the way recommending these brands in general, just that I think the signature is along the same lines and may be what you are asking for.


Hey, sunnyjim,

The GE 7 is a great speaker. I listened to it at length when I was in the market for new speakers a couple of years ago. Depending on what your looking for you could go up the GE chain to the Triton Three.

Since you have been looking at the Maggy 1.7 and the Songtower I'm guessing your budget would be $2-3k. I would consider the Monitor Audio Silver line and as Erik suggested, B&W (CM line).

Good luck with your search.


In that price range, you should at least audition the Tannoy Revolution XT 8F if you can.