David Belles / Power Modules Inc.

Does anyone know if Power Modules is still in business and still managed by David Belles ?
If so, what is the best way to get in touch with David these days ?  Look forward to any input.
Hey Johnny R- I appreciate the invite, and opportunity. Will certainly give that some thought.  Cheers -Don
Audio Connection - how does the Belles Aria compare to the Belles Soloist 1 int amp?

(((How does the Belles Aria compare to the Belles Soloist 1 int amp?))

 The Belles Aria @ 1995 is over 2 years of work and in a much higher sophisticated league then the soloist.
 As a matter of fact most will miss the boat on how good it is
 bobbing around for what they read is good with 200 watts without a listen.
What this thing does or should i say doesn't do I cant even put a price on it.
 Audio Connection
@audioconnection John, the Aria has caught my attention.  How would you say it compares to the Ayre 7xe integrated?  For example, with Vandersteen?  Does the Aria use less feedback than the Soloist 1?  Aria a good fit with Treo?

As always, thanks......

Hey folks. I am running a Belles Aria preamp with Dave's 150A power amp. I still have my old Belles One. Dave is a fine gentleman/great designer/craftsman. I play a Scout/Sumiko through his combo out to a pair of refurbed Ohm 2.2000. Sounds like music to me. He builds the real thing!