Schiit Multibits vs Chord Mojo

Now that Schiit has three multibit DACs that are fairly reasonably priced, (Modi Multibit, Bifrost Multibit, and Gungnir Multibit), I was wondering if anyone has heard/compared any of the above DACs to the Chord Mojo. The Mojo has good reviews, but I don't listen to headphones, so I would prefer to go with a DAC that doesn't have a headphone amplifier and isn't portable.

Any sonic differences that you have heard between the multibit Schiit DACs would be appreciated.

Input to this DAC will be from an Auralic Aries Mini music player/streamer, if that makes any difference.

I am sure that there will be multiple comparisons on HeadFi. The sound quality reported there should equally apply to speaker systems. Love my Mojo, and hope to hear the Multibit one of these days...
Can anybody speak to the difference in SQ between the Bifrost Multibit and the Gungnir Multibit?
Besides having balanced outputs, I'm wondering if the Gungnir is vastly superior in sonics; or if the Bifrost Multibit is the best bang for the buck.

Sorry, not trying to hijack the thread, edincleve.
@Lowrider I recall your question being discussed on CA. I haven't heard the Bifrost Multibit (aka Bimby). Cheers,
Lowrider, I wish I knew more about DAC's to answer your question.
I contacted Schiit about this and they said they never offer opinions regarding sound quality-which I can partially understand, but disagree as a way to sell equipment.
Maybe, I'll give it another shot. This time asking what technical differences there are between the models, and why it should make a difference.
This is the answer to my query:

I’m afraid we don’t get into detailed subjective oratory about our products, nor speculate on what you might hear:


That said, the product descriptions, and especially the FAQ, have detailed information on what’s going on technically with our various DACs.


Sorry to be unhelpful.


Nick T.

Schiit Tech