Schiit Multibits vs Chord Mojo

Now that Schiit has three multibit DACs that are fairly reasonably priced, (Modi Multibit, Bifrost Multibit, and Gungnir Multibit), I was wondering if anyone has heard/compared any of the above DACs to the Chord Mojo. The Mojo has good reviews, but I don't listen to headphones, so I would prefer to go with a DAC that doesn't have a headphone amplifier and isn't portable.

Any sonic differences that you have heard between the multibit Schiit DACs would be appreciated.

Input to this DAC will be from an Auralic Aries Mini music player/streamer, if that makes any difference.

Lowrider, I wish I knew more about DAC's to answer your question.
I contacted Schiit about this and they said they never offer opinions regarding sound quality-which I can partially understand, but disagree as a way to sell equipment.
Maybe, I'll give it another shot. This time asking what technical differences there are between the models, and why it should make a difference.
This is the answer to my query:

I’m afraid we don’t get into detailed subjective oratory about our products, nor speculate on what you might hear:


That said, the product descriptions, and especially the FAQ, have detailed information on what’s going on technically with our various DACs.


Sorry to be unhelpful.


Nick T.

Schiit Tech

Multibit DACs convertors are:
Yggy's    AD5791BRUZ

Gungnir  AD5781BRUZ

Bitfrost    AD5547CRUZ

As for the sound of each?? that's maybe a google search.

Cheers George 

Thanks, guys. Will keep searching for user reviews.

   One thing I can tell you regarding the Chord DAC's is that they use wall-wart power supplies, whereas the Bifrost Multibit has an internal PSU and you can use your own power cord.

 I owned a Chord QuteHD DAC and although it was extremely smooth, it lacked bass due to the switched-mode power supply (SMPS) in the wall-wart, rather than a using a linear PSU. Now, the Bifrost is probably using a switched-mode chip as well, but it is a better design in terms of power supply since there are separate supplies for digital and analog sections.
No problem, that was exactly one of my questions.

When I contacted Schiit, I got the same non-answer that gdrnrbob did. I can understand them not getting into comparisons with other manufacturer's products, but to not comment on their own, makes no sense. Why buy a more expensive Schiit product if they can't even describe the differences?