Speakers with warm treble and good bass

I've been on the hunt now for a several years, attempting to find speakers that match the criteria of having good bass and soft, warm treble output.  A good liquid midrange with good texture and timbre separation is another top priority.  The speakers I have owned and tried:

Paradigm Studio 60 v3
LSA 1 Standard Edition Monitors
Totem Staff
Golden Ear Triton 3
Vandersteen 2ce Sig ii
Tekton Pendragon
Acoustic Zen Adagio
Spatial Audio Hologram M3 Turbo S

Out of all of those, the most enjoyable due to warmest sound signature was the LSA 1 monitors.  Of course those were the most deficient in bass out of that entire list.  Contrary to that, the Golden Ear Triton 3 had the best bass (obviously, due to the built-in powered subs).  The Adagios had the best detail and least distortion, but were a bit too analytical in the end for my tastes.

So far, surprisingly, the speakers that seem to get the best blend of everything for my tastes have been the Paradigm Studio 60 v3.  These are not "reference level" speakers by any means, but they achieve a nice balance of detail, dynamics, bass, and have a surprisingly good midrange.  Unfortunately, the pesky metal dome tweeter has gotten on my last nerve during many listening sessions.  

I am trying to stay in the price range of the aforementioned speakers.  What suggestions do you all have for speakers that can meet this criteria for a smooth, dynamic, and warm sound?


You seem to have my exact tastes for non-fatiguing, non-analytical sound with deep, warm bass. I purchased a preowned pair of Thiel CS3.6 on Audiogon for $1200 about 6 years ago and no other speaker I have tried comes close for my taste. I recently tried the Revel Ultima Salon2s and before that, the Focal Electra 1037 Be speakers and they seemed to lack the warm, wide soundstage I get with the Thiels. I currently drive these with an Audio Research Ref 150 amp, Ref 5 preamp and Modwright tube modified Oppo BDP 105, all plugged into a PS Audio P5 Power Plant. Some might say your 100 tube watts is not enough power for the Thiels, but I previously used the Thiels with the integrated 60 watts per channel Audio Research VIi60 tube amp with nearly equally good results. You really owe it to yourself to try these. I see a pair for sale on Audiogon now, but it looks like one of the drivers has a dented dust cover.

There is a lot of solid advice in this thread.

-Speakers interact with the room they are in
-Electronics sound better with both adequate and clean power

I have 2 subs. Each amp has it's own 20amp breaker. My McIntosh mc352 has it's own 20 amp breaker. The wiring and outlets are new and industrial (read overkill). All other electronics go through 3 PowerVAR conditioners.

I have homemade floor to ceiling triangular bass traps using Rockwool absorption. Behind my listening position hangs a 2x4ft panel i made that is also Rockwool.  I have lots of absorption and next I will be doing diffusion panels.

I have Martin Logan Prodigy's which are honestly too big for this room so I have room modes like crazy. My next step is to purchase a mic and software to analyze my room.

Good luck with your quest.
Hi good question based on what you have tried . I have a friend that is a former Rogue, Modwright, Acoustic Zen , Dahli dealer. He also had many more brands . He has multiple systems in his home and office , including a dedicated room for listening as well as a dedicated room to house equipment with its own power panel . He too favors Rogue equipment . One of his systems contains the updated Rogue Mono blocs and their top pre amp . He has  the Adagio's in custom burl walnut and Acoustic Zens best cables . Also in the rotation are a pair of Dahli's and he runs a pair of Jl Fathom v2's in 10". The room has extensive acoustic treatment and is tuned with with his $5k meter . Your tastes sound very similar to yours, and this is why I jumped in . He offered me the Acoustic Zens as they were replaced by the Joseph Audio Pulsars . They are SWEET ! Also IMHO you are under powered . He has a Chronus II in his office and I tried  my Zu Omens and Klipsh Heresy II 's with it for giggles . It was nice . But I have a pair of JBL  4312a's on 28" Sound Anchor stands and any tubes below 100 watts or SS below 200 watts won't work . You would hate these , but it's just my example . So to answer your question , audition the Pulsars , but at $7k and 5k for subs plus cables , thats a lot of green . Also , have you rolled any tubes ? I recently moved into entry level low powered tubes . I have a Rogue RP-1 and a Dennis Had Set amp . The first thing I did was replace the JJ's in the Rogue. I obtained NOS RCA , Mullard and Tekefunkens, settling on the Tele's. I have 6 gain tubes , and 4 rectifier tubes all NOS for the power amp. I also have 3 pairs of current production power tubes . So in closing , audition the Pulsars , they sound fabulous and have a huge soundstage . Consider more POWER . But first , TRY ROLLING THE SMALL TUBES IN YOUR AMP WITH NOS . Telefunken and black plate RCA will be what you will like . Also the Tesla Red Tips, are very liquid . The Red Lion KT-88 reissues are great. The small tubes will have the biggest change in your system and be the most cost effective . Anyway , I hope this helps , and happy listening . Regards , Mike B.
Give your Spatial Audio M3 Turbos a chance to break in and see what you think. I have the M3s (non-turbo) and have not had any listener fatigue whatsoever. I sold my Klipschorns after 17 years because of treble harshness that was causing fatigue, and bought the M3s after listening to most of the speakers you list and more. And to get the best of all worlds, I added a pair of Goldenear Forcefield 4 subs. Goldenear bass is sublime, and they've been a perfect match for the M3s, which have a warm, musical bass of their own.