OK, been playing with the Oppo 95 for a while. I have a couple of things that I could use help with. I am not sure they aren't due to me.
1) Played "Hell Freezes Over" DVD by the Eagles. I could not get the DTS bonus track to work ("Seven Bridges Road, audio only"). Any thoughts?
2) I am now set up with 5.1 analog AND 2-channel cables. The 5.1 cables are from Blue Jeans cables (remember, I'm running a Rotel 1056 receiver and B&W LCR6 speakers (F, C, L) with B&W in ceiling surrounds in a less than ideal listening room). For the 2-channel I burned some paypal bucks on a set of jwaudio interconnect cables. I thought I'd see if "better" cables made a difference.
I set the Rotel to 2-channel mode for cd's and multi-input for dvds. My understanding is that this uses the DACs in the Oppo or am I missing them and really using the Rotel's lesser DACs? Clearly, I want to use the Oppo's DACs.
Thanks for your help and patience with my questions.
1) Played "Hell Freezes Over" DVD by the Eagles. I could not get the DTS bonus track to work ("Seven Bridges Road, audio only"). Any thoughts?
2) I am now set up with 5.1 analog AND 2-channel cables. The 5.1 cables are from Blue Jeans cables (remember, I'm running a Rotel 1056 receiver and B&W LCR6 speakers (F, C, L) with B&W in ceiling surrounds in a less than ideal listening room). For the 2-channel I burned some paypal bucks on a set of jwaudio interconnect cables. I thought I'd see if "better" cables made a difference.
I set the Rotel to 2-channel mode for cd's and multi-input for dvds. My understanding is that this uses the DACs in the Oppo or am I missing them and really using the Rotel's lesser DACs? Clearly, I want to use the Oppo's DACs.
Thanks for your help and patience with my questions.