Your favorite one-man band!

On my list

1. Jean Michelle Jare -- Second to no one. 
2. Buckethead -- best one-man guitar band using special effects, loops, pedals and drum buttons on his guitar.
3. Tommy Emanuel -- super good electro acoustic finger style guitar player.
4. Henry Kaiser -- sophisticated guitars with special effects.
5. Bill Nelson -- similar to Henry Kaiser.
Pete Townshend; listen to any of his completely self produced demos! Even Glyn Johns said of Pete in his autobiography that he was often intimidated by the quality of Pete's demos that often topped his best production efforts.
I was at this show -

My boy Lindsey Buckingham armed with an electric guitar, a looper, some effects pedals and a click/rhythm track:

I think, whoever the musician might be, one man cannot be a band. I suspect even Paganini who is generally considered the best musician of all times, though not at all the best composer. You need at least two people. The two best duos I heard are Lisa Gerrard/Brendan Perry and John McLaughlin/Paco de Lucia.