If so, any streamer, or any home built PC should do a very good job feeding a USB 2.0 capable DAC that is driverless for Linux/OSX. I built my own 2TB server/streamer for around $600 to feed a Mytek Brooklyn PCM and DSD. Works great.
I will say that different DACs have different levels of source sensitivity. My ARC was much more sensitive than my Mytek via coax. It required an exceptionally well clocked source to sound great. In demo's I've heard, an Ayre was also "sensitive" like this, but the Schiit was not.
While experimenting with alternatives I did find teh Wyred4Sound Remedy reclocker. It worked great on Internet sources. If you are a die-hard CD player kind of guy, I'd suggest an alternative like this may give you the most consistent results, but not the convenience of a streamer. :)