Audio Desk Systeme RCM - what's been your experience?

Hi All,

I have owned an ADS RCM for a little under 3 years. During that time, I've been able to work through my 3500 LP collection at a cleaning rate that just wasn't possible with my former RCM, the reputable VPI, in general, because of the ease and effectiveness of cleaning LPs, I've savored my time with the ADS RCM.

That is until now...

"Both the pump and ultrasonic transducer are failing" was the diagnosis delivered by the US distributor after the RCM abruptly stopped working. Essentially DOA...and out of warranty.

Before I formulate my next move, I'd love to hear from current or former owners of ADS RCMs - what have been your experiences with the reliability of the Audio Desk Systeme RCM?

Thanks for your time - appreciated!
Absolutely agree with you! The Loricraft is superb. But I have over 6,000 LPs I need to clean and my 4-step cleaning process on my trusty VPI is just not allowing me to get as many cleaned as I need to accomplish. I've been listening without cleaning because otherwise I'd not be listening - not cleaning is not a good choice. LOL.
...but we digress...

Any other ADS RCM anecdotes on reliability from current or former owners?

I agree with Dgarretson et al: DIY is both better and cheaper. Like DG, I use the Elmasonic. I have cleaned most of my 3000 records, some of them three times, with no hint of trouble.

Let me save you from my mistakes.

First, make sure than your cleaning chemistry is hot, about 45 C.
Second, make sure that there is enough space between the records as well as between the records and the tank walls for the ultrasonic wave to develop. For 80 KHz, that means 0.75 inches, IF IF IF the records are perfectly parallel. Which they are not. Since records have been known to have warps, that means, in practice, a gap of 1 to 1.5 inches.
Third, I rinse heroically. I flush with running filtered water, immerse in filtered water, flush with twice-filtered water, and immerse in distilled water. Water from the final rinse flows off the record like water from a freshly waxed fender.
Fourth, I air dry without a fan, since my basement is not a clean room.
Fifth, new sleeves. This identifies cleaned records, as well as stops the spread of contaminants.

That’s what works for me. YMMD
Whart, about filtration.

The Elmasonic is well made from top to bottom, and that includes the drain valve. If I let the solution sit for a few hours, sediment settles to the bottom, I open the drain valve to a very thin stream, and leave it to drain overnight. Result: 90% of the crud at the bottom of the tank, ready to be washed away, and a virtually clean cleaning solution.

I would not be too worried about microscopic particles, because  ultrasonic cavitation should prevent their attachment to the record. That is, if you use a recommended detergent, so that grease goes into solution. Which is the best reason to use a detergent.

I like VersaClean from Fisher Scientific, which is said to be specially formulated for plastics; and since that is from a scientific supply company, where things have to work as advertised, I would tend to trust it. Further, my experience tends to confirm it.

Hot chemistry - should have mentioned that it can warp your records right smartly if something jams and the record stops turning. Conversely, a slightly warped record can straighten out after 10 minutes or so.