I agree with Dgarretson et al: DIY is both better and cheaper. Like DG, I use the Elmasonic. I have cleaned most of my 3000 records, some of them three times, with no hint of trouble.
Let me save you from my mistakes.
First, make sure than your cleaning chemistry is hot, about 45 C.
Second, make sure that there is enough space between the records as well as between the records and the tank walls for the ultrasonic wave to develop. For 80 KHz, that means 0.75 inches, IF IF IF the records are perfectly parallel. Which they are not. Since records have been known to have warps, that means, in practice, a gap of 1 to 1.5 inches.
Third, I rinse heroically. I flush with running filtered water, immerse in filtered water, flush with twice-filtered water, and immerse in distilled water. Water from the final rinse flows off the record like water from a freshly waxed fender.
Fourth, I air dry without a fan, since my basement is not a clean room.
Fifth, new sleeves. This identifies cleaned records, as well as stops the spread of contaminants.
That’s what works for me. YMMD