How many grams weight for mm cartridge?

I have Denon dp-45f TT with MM cartirdge. What is ideal standard weight I should start with? It came with 1.7 grams but I remember my father used to use only .5 gram for his TT. Please enlighten me...

The proper tracking vtf for any cartridge is the one that meets the design of the cartridge.  Look what the manufacturer says and consider it gospel.

stringreen, You are repeating your own gospel. You don't believe

in any standard whatever and you have your own opinion about

any adjustment issue. Courious then that you do believe in recommended

 VTF by the manufacturer. We have seen chakster specification of the recommended VTF of 0,5 -2 g for Grace F9 cartridges. I have seen many with 1,5-2,5g. Does your method imply that you start  with, say, 1,5 g, then with 1,6 g, then with 1,7, etc., till

2,5 g.? Those  are after all recommended VTF's by the manufacturer.

Hear we go again.....a cartridge is designed with the suspension, magnets, coils, et al being in a specific place for all to for these disparate parts to work at their best places and values to do their best work.  There is one and only one vtf that brings all of this together... The cartridge designed will give a range saying that no damage to the cartridge will result, or that there will be some tracking of the record at these extremes, however, the cartridge works best at the designers published optimal vtf.  I am a pro musician, and have always sought to apply standards to all I have/do.  I don't play Mozart in the style of Mahler, and don't track a cartridge at some quasi optimal vtf.
I don’t know guys where are you looking for Grace specs, but go on vinyl engine and check scan of the original grace manual for all models (except Ruby). There is a chart in comparison on page 2 for all of them with tracking force range from 0,5 to 2g for those top f9 models.
@chakster...there are actually (2) pdf’s on Vinyl Engine. The first one, (Farsch) says 1.2 grams across the board, except for the F9P which is 2.5 grams.

The second pdf, (Alec124c41) shows the .5 to 2.0 range.

I have the actual owners manual from the F9E cartridge box and it says 1.2 grams, no range. I also just checked my dealer binder for Grace and it also says 1.2 grams. I have a pdf of the actual owners manual I can send.

Not sure when Grace changed the info, but again, .5 grams is way loo light for the F9 series of carts.