Ayre now has a new QX-5 all in one

box with DAC/Streamer (Tidal etc), Roon ready. It has nearly any input and a great headphone amp too.  It can also be used as a preamp, although I personally have yet to hear any digital pre sound as good as a great preamp, but that's me.  It's all balanced and has the Ayre power supply filters that all the Ayre products have.  I can't wait to hear it. I personally am running a great sounding Empirical Audio OSDE/SE with all the upgrades from Steve and I also have a Mac Mini server that Empirical totally rebuilt with a separate Hynes linear power supply.  It's full of only hi rez, well recorded music of all genres.  I love it, but the new servers do sound a bit better, so I've been looking.  I didn't want to set up a NAS, but since I run a Linn DS system in the bedroom I'm open to it.  I love the Melco NAS and may just get that for my NAS and the Ayre for everything else.  I want a simple, one box solution and I do use IEM's and cans on Sunday and Sat mornings so having a great amp solution in my main rig is enticing too.

I rn an Ayre AX-5 Twenty with Vandersteen Treo's (going to sell so I can upgrade to the Quatro's) and Basis/Aesthetix's for vinyl.  Pretty exciting times in digital.  I'm sure that Ayre will be a great value for all that it offers and it should sound incredible.  Time will tell.

I just got a new DAC/preamp, so I'm not in a hurry.  My local dealer has the Codex set up as part of their headphone set up, so I doubt I could hear it easily in a full-size system.

I'm glad you like it, and good to know Ayre is moving forward. :) I was always a fan of the Pono for it's Ayre derived output stage, it's UI, limited memory and lack of streaming however kept me for springing for one.


Even if you aren't in the market, they can easily move it into a system since it's so small, lol.  Are you in the Dallas area?  Nice guys down there.  I send a lot of my OK/TX friends there.  Pono is great for the price, but I agree on the limits of the device. They needed to really fix some of the things you mentioned and they haven't and probably won't.  I could easily be happy with a pair of Hifiman 1000's or Audeze LCD-4 or Focal Utopia with the Codex and call it a day.  It even makes lesser priced cans sound outstanding.  

Thanks! I'm in California.  They could move it but I don't like hanging out and asking for demos unless I'm buying, and lately I'm building or selling. :)

As a not bad alternative to the Pono is the Fiio X5 with external amp.  I have not heard the X7 which adds Android, and therefore Tidal.


Fully get it.  I've heard the X5 as well as the 7.  Both are nice units.  I personally like the Onkyo with balanced outputs for just a bit more than the X7.  I like it for the under 1k DAP's.  It's sound in balanced mode is close to the more expensive A&K units I feel.  

I'm hoping to get to hear the QX5 tomorrow if I can change the schedule up a bit.
ctsooner - Have you received your new QX5 yet?   Any initial thoughts on the sound?  Thanks