Looking to buy floor standing speakers in $1000 per speaker range.

Looking at Goldenears 700s. Intrigued by Ohm 1000's. Probably running older NAD 7225 PE. I would love to hear suggestions.
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No other Canton fans?
Tekton Lore are $1,100 delivered. Lore 2.0 are $900, and Lore Reference are $850.
I may have told a fib on NHT. Their site is still up. I sent them an e-mail to see if they are actually delivering.
You owe it to yourself to check out the Spatial Audio M3 Turbos. I spent a full year auditioning speakers, and listened to pretty much everything in your price range -- Teckton, Zu, B&W, NHT, Magnepan, Def Tek, KEF, and many more. For me it came down to the Spatials and the Goldenear Triton 2s. I went with the Spatials to replace my Klipschorns and haven't had a single regret. They are a marvelous speaker -- great sound, detail, and an amazing sound stage. These speakers are hard to beat.