The "Digital" listening experience

Do you find listening to digital without adequate isolation to be similar to listening to a piece of music where the performer is not putting his heart into it? That seems to be the best description I've found.
By adequate isolation, I am guessing you are referring to component isolation from vibration (although I suppose you could be referring to acoustic isolation as well).  With that said, I think your analogy is a reasonable one when applied to less than top quality digital in general, although I can't say I have considered whether this aspect is exacerbated by lack of adequate isolation (I am using a Minus K isolation platform under my transport).
Sorry for lack of clarity. I'm referring specifically to AC power isolation (and conditioning). (Equitech 2Q or Furutech balanced power units being examples of competent devices.
I'm using Alan Maher Designs for AC and DC bidirectional isolation, including their isolation platforms that are the 'bread slices' in my sandwiched stack of components...that means each piece of gear is being treated from both above and below - a double dose, in effect...everything improves greatly, but you're right ptss, I've found this sort of thing allows the meaning and value of the musical performance to come through as well. or better, than I've ever heard anywhere, in my CD only system. Doesn't seem to matter at all what disc, format, musical genre, volume level, time of day or anything else. It's all glorious. It's a huge understatement for me to say, at this point, that I'm well beyond any consideration of ever going back to raw digital. In the audio world there are the relative improvements and the "night and day" differences. No two ways about it - this has been what I'd have to call night and day...a total transformation.. Of course it **should** be, for the price (that I'd gladly pay again). Well over 10 grand for all the various pieces of AMD I've acquired for a system that cost 6 grand, new...(I know some people like to say that anyone who spends more on their tweaks than their system must surely have a screw loose somewhere, but all I can say is that I'm hearing firsthand what they're missing out on). I should point out that this much isolation is not just for the digital, but also equally for the analog....(and all the appliances and about most every other major noise source in my home, as well...which itself overall amounts to further improvement between the speakers).

But, more to your point, ptss, I'm hearing a very real essence of the soul of the musical performance in each and *every* recording...each track speaks volumes to me now about why it was composed/performed just the way in which it was - all the isolation and noise reduction has really flipped that switch here, as far as I'm concerned...but like you suggest: the artist's intent, and all that. I'm coming up on the point here of having fixed every single audible fault there ever was with this system. When I get there I will have nothing left to do but enjoy the music. Anymore, I know firsthand that this system mine of would Never have even approached such a place as this on its own - not without this overall level of isolation, anyway.
 I have no idea what you are talking about.  Poor and great performances are independent of playback media.
  To take your example of Schubert's Trout Quintet, I fell in love with that work 40 years ago with an lp titled 'Music From Marlboro ' led by Rudolph Serkin.  My lps were destroyed in a flood in 1985.  Only a few months ago I obtained this recording on CD and my appreciation for the performance has only grown over time.
  Both digital and analog are capable of great fidelity.  With digital, there are no pops, clicks, dust bunnies, etc.. If you need to hear all that crud to convince yourself that the performers are 'really trying'then your tastes are so different from mine as to render further discussion as pointless