TV only recommendation

Viewing room is large at 19' x 22'. From viewing position, 19' wall is on right, all glass, view of the bay (so it isn't going to get blacked out while watching). Viewing position is 5 feet off glass wall and 5 feet from wall behind, meaning distance to screen is 14 feet.

Screen will probably be wall mounted. How high off the floor should it be?

Content is sports, movies and sitcoms. Use is 1 to 2 hours a night, more on weekends.

Would like Wireless Internet features, such as Pandora and Netflix. See no need for 3d, unless that's the only way to get the rest of the set.

Please make a recommendation for a TV with a budget of $1000 - $2500. Will not be adding sound at this time, but would like to keep audio options open.
The best image comes from plasma. If you can find a Pioneer Elite Kuro model, (Pioneer stopped making them at the end of 2009 because they couldn't sell them for what they cost to build and make enough profit), you will be happiest. They were the reference screen.
At 19' viewing distance you need size more than anything, Sharps 70' LCD is a nice TV and can be had for $2500. FWIW the minimum recommended size for a 12' viewing distance is 70" so for 19' it would be closer to 100"

Go big!
Viewing position is 5 feet off glass wall and 5 feet from wall behind, meaning distance to screen is 14 feet.

Agree with Kennyt. At a distance of 14ft bigger is definietly better. You should go as large as you can in your price range.

In your price range consider these plasma tv's at Amazon:
(Amazon has 30 day return -free shipping)

Panasonic VIERA TC-P60ST30 60-Inch
Samsung PN59D6500 59-Inch

Let us know what you get and how you like it.
Agree with Kennyt and Foster. When it comes to HDTV, size does matter - the bigger the better.
The Mitsubishi large-screen DLPs (60", 65", 73", 82") are available for *very* good prices. And their picture quality is stunning. The 73" model is going for about $1300 at BestBuy right now...
