TV only recommendation

Viewing room is large at 19' x 22'. From viewing position, 19' wall is on right, all glass, view of the bay (so it isn't going to get blacked out while watching). Viewing position is 5 feet off glass wall and 5 feet from wall behind, meaning distance to screen is 14 feet.

Screen will probably be wall mounted. How high off the floor should it be?

Content is sports, movies and sitcoms. Use is 1 to 2 hours a night, more on weekends.

Would like Wireless Internet features, such as Pandora and Netflix. See no need for 3d, unless that's the only way to get the rest of the set.

Please make a recommendation for a TV with a budget of $1000 - $2500. Will not be adding sound at this time, but would like to keep audio options open.
After reading all your responses and doing more research, I bought the Sharp 70" recommended by Unsound. Got a very good deal at HHGregg.

Now I need advice on sources and audio. One source will be Atlantic Broadband HD cable, as they are embedded in our condo building. Another will be streaming (wireless or wired, depending on whether we drop AT&T as our Internet and phone carrier and go with an Atlantic Broadband package. Has to do with where phone jacks are located in the condo A third source could be a Bluray player for our existing older DVD collection.

For audio, not sure if a Home Theater in a Box offering like the Panasonic SBTT770 is the way to go, or if an AV receiver is preferable.

Remaining budget is about $2000 (total of $5000), but don't feel the need to spend it all now.