Good musical HT AV/Receiver

I would like to upgrade my older Pioneer VSX Audio/Video Receiver but really want something that sounds nice for just listening to music.

My wife says the Audio Research gear has to go in the living room so it's only the HT in the sunroom now. Ouch!!

So I hear good things about Onkyo. Also about the usual products from Yamaha, Denon, Pioneer, and I've always like Pioneer. However, after hooking up my Focals and Carver SW to the Pioneer, it really hurts to let the ARC stuff go.

So I was hoping there were some good sounding options out there to meet both A/V and music only.

4 speaker set-up with SW. Simple but nice.
If you could live with 2 channel and SW, I would suggest an Outlaw Audio RR2150 .

If 5 channel is the way you want to go, then Marantz 5005 .

I just bought an Arcam avr400 for both music and HT if your budget permits I would highly recommend it, its also HDMI 1.4.
I'm using the analog from my Oppo to the receiver for two channel stereo/analog music and using 5.1 for HT.
The best sounding receiver I've ever heard.

before that I was using the Marantz sr5004 its great musically it sounds mellow and warm, also very good for HT. Had to upgrade because my new speakers are a little more demanding than my old ones.
Both of these are 7.1
Good luck
Thanks for the inputs.
I've always thought Marantz made good gear and the recent reviews for the 5005 and 6005 sound very supportive.

I understand that Marantz and Denon are under the same corp and use some of the same components.

Any opinions on Marantz VS Denon VS Onkyo?
I keep reading reviews for Onkyo that many feel are near the top for sound and function.
I am really happy with my Integra 50.1 and my friend has the 40.2 and his system sounds great as well. I have Focal 836v speakers and my friend has Focal 807v speakers.