Recommend a Cable/Interconnect Set

I know this issue stirs controversy and can spark "vigorous dissent" (understatement), but I was looking for some recommendations on both speaker cables and interconnects for my system.

Can you guys suggest a modestly priced but high performance set of cables? I know 'modestly' covers a lot of ground, so what would be extremely helpful is some sort of "buyer's guide" to offer insight on what characteristics to look for, how to decide what you need, and how to set a budget so that I, and others reading on or those new to this pastime, can make a more informed decision.

Though I subscribe to the basic premise that the more you spend, the better it gets, I also know there is also a point of diminishing returns on the price:performance curve.

My equipment is:
HiFiBerry DAC
Krell KRC-3
Bryston 4BST
Dahlquist DQ10* (see below)
Polk PSW650

Right now, I have Monster XPHP going to the speakers, and an old set of Monster interconnects from the DAC to the Krell. Lengths for interconnects can be as short as 1.5 or 2 feet, since all my electronics are together, out in the open, and accessible from behind.

So, I figure I'll need:
1x Balanced (Krell to Bryston)
2x RCA (one for the DAC to Krell, the other Krell to PSW)
1 set speaker cables ~8-10 ft

Hit me. I'm all ears. Those of you who have indluged me in other similar questions of this type (i.e. power amp, preamp) know I take your input seriously and act on it, so this isn't just an exercise.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

(* - At some point in the future, I hope to buy a set of CLSII's, so kindly factor that into the recommendation since it doesn't make sense to buy a set of cables and find they're not up to the task down the road)
Paul at Clear Day will sell you only what you need. His cables far outperform their price point and he's one of the most personable audio people I've talked with. Plus, he makes all his own stuff right in the Southwest. 
Regarding budget determination for cables, I allocate 10% to 15% of the price I paid for the components to be interconnected to the cables to do so. Then buy used off AG or Ebay.

I purchased Audioquest Columbia interconnect cables and Kimber 12TC speaker cables.

As can be noted here and on many other cable threads, Clear Day Cables (and Paul) come highly recommended for quality budget cables. If I was looking to change cables I would give Paul a call.
If you wish to try those Clear cables, I suggest you first get his best RCA and put it on your DAC, then the second cable and so on. First cable in the chain is the most important. Another approach is to get all Clear cables right away, all top of the line, burn them in for 200 hours and then decide. Since you can return them there is no risk except that you may like them a lot and would have to pay perhaps a little more than you planned. Personally, I would probably take the first approach. 200 hours no less. Do not judge any cable before that.
Yo.  Another Joysey boy here.  Agree with Inna that spending $600 likely won't help you much and may even hurt.  I've had lots of cables and interconnects over the years, but the ones I've stuck with are Acoustic Zens.  Are they the best out there?  No.  But they accomplish a very nice balance of detail, soundstaging, tonality, and musicality that's not always a given especially among the lower and medium priced options.  Read the reviews -- they're pretty spot on to my experience with them.  I'd recommend buying used as they're an extremely good price/performance value that way, and if they turn out not to be your cuppa you can sell them for little or no loss since there's a good used market for them.  I'd get Silver Reference IIs for interconnects (or original version is fine too if the IIs are out of budget) and Satori speaker cables and then just fuggettaboudit.  Best of luck. 

The OP's got Krell and Bryston, this means bass and dynamics are very important. How do Acoustic Zens do that?