"Blues For 2" is an excellent recording featuring a duet of Zoot on tenor saxophone and supreme jazz guitarist Joe Pass. This is first rate across the board.
I grew up in Detroit, hope springs eternal for the Lions 😊.
Jazz music is either something you really get or you don’t, this has been my experience with people. For me it’s an astonishing art form full of emotional expression, to others it means nothing 😣😣.
"Blues For 2" is an excellent recording featuring a duet of Zoot on tenor saxophone and supreme jazz guitarist Joe Pass. This is first rate across the board.
I grew up in Detroit, hope springs eternal for the Lions 😊.
Jazz music is either something you really get or you don’t, this has been my experience with people. For me it’s an astonishing art form full of emotional expression, to others it means nothing 😣😣.