Single ended vs xlr balanced

I have switched backwards and forwards (going slightly mad in the process) testing (long run) interconnects.
I know some sound engineers, and they tell me I am probably persuading myself that balanced is better than single ended and THERE IS NO REASON WHY SINGLE ENDED CAN SOUND INFERIOR TO BALANCED. Sorry to use capitals but this seem to be a fair summary of the be all and end all of technical discussion. If I was to guess however, my mind would tend to follow the technical opinion not go against it, surely? In my mind the balanced is a deeper more airy sound, just better presence all round. The technical response is that I am not comparing like with like, as the balanced runs at higher voltages and subsequently higher volume (6db). I had a shock at this news and found out therefore by accident that my Bryston 28bsst2s amps have a switch upping the output from 23 to 29db to compensate. Also did I hear properly that Bryston kit is set up preferring balanced? My processor is a Bryston sp3 so maybe my preferred balanced system  is what I needed anyway. But it is odd that a reputable company like Bryston would have such a policy (if it has foundation) and not stress that on their literature. If my system can be adjusted for speaker levels then volume output is irrelevant - or is it if that higher voltage has some effect?
And don't get me started on aes/ebu vs spdif! The aes to me is noticeably superior for the same reasons as the rca vs xlr debate. Then hdmi vs spdif ... (Time for my medicine ........)
So my question is - forgetting technicalities which can get more and more complicated by the minute  - do other peoples' ears agree with mine?
Boys and Girls,....that's why true balanced circuits cost so much more than single ended.  Check the prices of Ayre, Audio Research, etc. and note that there is reason for their high prices.  The result is clear to hear...  I can turn my preamp on full on phono, and not hear noise, hum with my ear against the speaker.  This makes the silence between the notes clean, with no fill-in of spaces caused from the component.
I have a mix of balanced and single ended interconnects in my system. I chose balanced for the main source/pre/amp as they are "truly" balanced designs. (Ayre, Classe’, Levinson). On the other component I use single ended because it does not offer XLR input/outputs. I discussed this topic at lenth with Paul of Clear Day Cable. We discussed the increased gain, appx 6db. Here is a link he sent me to simplify in my mind what cable will best perform in my system.

I'm using an Aesthetix Calypso Signature Pre and a Sanders Magtech.  Aesthetix recommends balanced and Sanders recommends single-ended.  They both sound the same to me.