Any options for low power class A amps?

Okay, I do most of my music listening at work because of time constraints.  I have a nice desk system that includes some 4" Fostex full range speakers, an Olasonic dac, an Olasonic cd transport, and an integrated Olasonic amp/dac.  I have nothing but good things to say for Olasonic however I would like to add better amplification.  I am looking for a small solid state amplifier that is pure class A in the 5 to 10 watts range.  The only ones that I have found have a higher power rating and are huge or are A/B amps that are biased slightly higher.  I don't know if anyone makes class A amps in this power rating.  If you know of any I would greatly appreciate your help.  I have tried headphone amps that are pure class A that results in an improvement but the impact is not there due to power and impedance matching of speakers in comparison to headphones.  The Fostex drivers I am using are 16 ohms btw.  Thanks.

There is a brand that specializes in low-powered, Class A amps, many designed for high impedance speakers and single driver systems utilizing Lowther or Fostex drivers.  That brand is First Watt (an offshoot of Pass Laboratories).

I heard on such amp in my own system, I believe the F4 model, and it is a terrific sounding solid state amp.  You should check out their site: